Dr. Cook’s Top 8 Weight Loss Supplements

I am regularly asked which supplements are safe and helpful for weight loss.  While I maintain that healthyeating and exercise are essential for weight loss, there are some supplements that can help.
Here are my Top 8 Safe Weight Loss Supplements:
1.  A high-quality full-spectrum digestive enzyme formula that includes amylase, lipase, and protease, among other enzymes, is also beneficial. Take 1 to 3 enzyme capsules or tablets with every meal to help your body break down the carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in your food into the natural sugars, essential fatty acids, and amino acids needed for optimal digestion and healing.
2. Other enzymes that aid weight loss include:  lipase, nattokinase, and superoxide dismutase (SOD), or a single product that includes some or all of these enzymes. Start with 1 capsule or tablet of your chosen enzyme(s) on an empty stomach 20 minutes before or at least 1 hour after meals, three times daily. You can gradually increase that amount to 3 capsules or tablets at a time, three times daily, or more with the guidance of a nutritional medicine practitioner who is experienced in systemic enzyme therapy.
3. Vitamin D3, 2000 to 4000 IU daily, to support healthy brain hormone balance—both of which are involved in maintaining or achieving healthy weight.
4. Multivitamin and mineral, to address possible nutritional deficiencies. See information above.
5. Probiotics, 2 capsules at bedtime, to ensure toxins are being eliminated through the colon and not reabsorbed into the bloodstream. See information above.
6. Fish or flaxseed oil, 3000 mg daily of either oil, or 500 mg of DHA and 360 mg of EPA, to support healthy fat-burning processes.
7. L-carnitine, an amino acid, to help turn stored fat into fuel; follow package instructions, since products vary greatly.
8. Milk thistle, 1 teaspoon of extract twice daily for 6 weeks, to support healthy liver function.

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