How to Take Care of Your Eyes

- Eat lots of fruits & veggies! Carrots, loaded with beta carotene are especially helpful in maintaining healthy eyes.
- Avoid wearing contact lenses for more than 12 hours. This can cause permanent sight damage as well as extreme discomfort.
- Use sparingly. Using an allergen-reducing eye drop during allergy season to 'get the red out' and sooth itchiness may help on a limited basis, but chronic daily use can actually make the problem worse.
- Read the labels of eye drops carefully; many drops cannot be used while wearing contacts.
- Press cold cucumber slices gently against eyes 10 minutes before going to sleep at night to prevent puffiness.
- Wear UV protective sunglasses. Get polarized lenses, NOT just darker lenses. The lenses that only make the world darker will just make your pupils dilate and don't do a thing to stop the UV rays. Prolonged exposure to UV rays can harm your eyesight, protection in youth can help prevent loss of eyesight in later years.
- Try not to spend so much time looking at your computer screen. (As a matter of fact, now would be a good time to give your eyes a break, since you're not doing anything too important.)
- Be sure to wear goggles or other eye protective wear when working with chemicals or any place with harmful airborne particulates.
- Dont ever rub your eyes when you have somthing in your eye!
- Exercise your eyes,too & also be sure to relax them.
- Don't just use eye drops because a wikiHow told you to; be sure that they are right for you. While eye drops can make your eyes feel better, their medical benefits have not been entirely proven.
- Visit your optometrist every year. They can diagnose problems that may be fixed with glasses, contacts, or surgery. They will also check for dry eyes, problems with your retina, and even conditions of the whole body like diabetes and high blood pressure. Some conditions have no symptoms like glaucoma which can lead to total blindness if left untreated.
- Instead of using eyeglasses or contact lenses, do some research on How to Know if Lasik Eye Surgery Is for You to correct your vision. There are restrictions on who can or should get this surgery, so make sure you consult a doctor before making your decision.
- Try to take sufficient of Vitamin A! Too much can make your eyes red as well.
- Never put salt in your eyes.
- Never look into the sun directly or with a telescope.
- Never put sharp objects in your eyes.
- Never rub your eyes too much.