Tips For Taking Good Care Of Acne Prone Skin

Acne and Black Skin
First and foremost a girl must care for her complexion, then makeup is easy to apply and will always look great! Excessive oiliness may cause problems that lead to acne-prone skin. People with dark-colored skin such as Asians, African- Americans, and Hispanics may develop dark spots after the breakout has cleared. Azelex is a prescription cream that can both help prevent future acne outbreaks as well as clear the dark spots from prior acne.
Blacks, as a rule, are less prone to acne than lighter- skinned people. However, they seem more susceptible to scarring and long-term darkening of the skin when they do break out. Because of this, black women should exercise extra caution in dealing with even minor flare-ups.
See your dermatologist at the first sign of a breakout, and if you have large pores or oily skin, stay clear of the thick moisturizers and oil-based cosmetics that can clog pores. Instead, look Lit gently drying cleansers, and choose water-based cosmetics and skin-care products that are both non-comedogenic and non-acnegenic.
Road Rules For Taking Good Care Of Acne Prone Skin
Pinch, rub, squeeze, or worst of all, ever pop a zit. Now, we know there’s something about a zit that simply cries out for popping. But no matter how small the blemish or how tempted you become: Keep your hands away for as often you pop—or even merely rub—a zit, you nearly always increase the swelling, damage the surrounding skin, and heighten the risk of further bacterial infection.
Most often, in fact, a popped whitehead or cyst will rupture beneath the pore, making it even more embedded and difficult to treat than it was before you took matters into your own hands. Unless you’re very fortunate, permanent scarring is likely to result.
Overclean your skin. Washing too often, too vigorously, or with overly harsh cleansers are mistakes that many acne sufferers commonly commit. The impulse is understandable enough. But since most acne cases stem from hormonal or hereditary causes, the results are usually ineffective at best and damaging at worst. Always remember that your distressed skin needs to be babied, not manhandled, especially if your acne is deeply embedded or cystic.
Acne Prone Skin ~ Please Do

Use water-based cosmetics, cleansers, and skin-care products, as opposed to oil-based products if your skin tends to be oily. If you’re unsure after reading the label whether a certain item in your cosmetic bag is oil-based, put a dab on your fingertip, run some tap water on it, and try to rub it off. If the water beads up and the stuff stays put, you’re probably dealing with an oil-based product.
Products labeled as non-comedogenic or non-acnegenic are also usually wise choices for anyone with breakout-prone skin. This means that the item has been lab tested and does not produce pimples (non-comedogenic) or cause the formation of acne (non-acnegenic) when applied to normal skin.
Drink plenty of water, which does a wonderful job of flushing impurities not only from the skin but from all of the body’s organ systems as well.
Eat a healthy diet that includes generous quantities of fresh fruits and vegetables. Foods that are rich in Vitamins A, C, and E are especially conducive to healthy, blemish-free skin.